Paid for having a start up page.

This company has been around for quite some while, unfortunately I just recently found out about it. You know how when you start up your web browser it always goes to a default page? Well this company pays you every time you start your browser at their page, 10 cents every time you view their page!!
So why not sign up?

Now I can understand why you wouldn't want to get paid to surf the net, after all, it DOES require you to surf but why not simply get paid to have this site as your startup page? Sign up is fast and easy. Good luck and have fun!

IMPORTANT::Make sure you put your age as being at least 18 years of age on the signup page to avoid any complications!!! You've read what I've had to say about this, now it's your choice whether or not to sign up. If you do, remember to think of me when you go to the bank to cash your checks :)

**If would like to get paid to surf the net, here's the link: Get Paid to Surf the Net!.
